
Friday 6 December 2019

End of Year 9

Today is the last day of year 9. It was pretty fun I guess. I learnt a lot in social studies. Such as how the old Maoris lived and European Colonisation. I learnt the most in social studies. In math i pretty much revised everything I've already done. I really liked my english teacher Mr Vigil

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Jumpstart english

In English we had to do a slide including 3 things that bring us joy

Friday 15 November 2019

Human Rights Heroes

When thinking of Human Rights heroes the first person that comes to my mind is Martin Luther King jr. He was a black rights activist from the 1960's and he did a lot to give black people the rights that they have today. His I Have a dream speech inspired change within the black community and forced america to change their racist ways

Tuesday 22 October 2019


We have been looking at globalisation in Social Studies this term. With some research I found out that New Zealand exports around 36 billion USD a year. I will be focusing on researching Milk Powder since that is NZ's Top export.

Reflection: This project challenged me because i had to find the statistics and exact numbers to go with the exact countries. I got my information from; NZ Dairy Industry Stats NZ

Monday 9 September 2019

My Story

    Ko tuhipa toku maunga 
Ko tereawatea toku awa
Ko otiria te marae
Ko ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko ngati teara te hapu
Ko ngati hine te iwi
    Ngapuhi nui tonu
    Ko kaiwae te roto

Thursday 15 August 2019

Waitangi pt.2

 We went to Waitangi again and we started working on our stories on the laptops. after we had lunch we watched a kapahaka performance by an adult kapahaka group named ngapitopito

Friday 2 August 2019


At Waitangi treaty grounds we learnt about the story and relationships of the Maori and Europeans
and the treaty. They strengthened their bonds through trading but after the treaty happened they went to war. while we were inside we learnt about coding stop motion and special effects. we had a jam on a vr headset and drew things with the controller.

Tuesday 2 July 2019

About Me

My name is Christian and i like Anime and Basketball

Friday 14 June 2019

Longitude and latitude

In social studies we have been learning about longitude and latitude. Longitude and latitude are used to measure distance and identify specific locations around the world. They are measured in degrees and minutes

Monday 20 May 2019

Pink Shirt Day

Pink shirt day is about wearing pink to support anti bullying. It started in Canada when students decided to wear pink to stop bullying toward the LGBT community. On Friday students wore pink and held activities in the School quad. Recently the Christchurch shooting claimed over 50 lives due to racism. This is the biggest act of bullying in New Zealand. On Friday the 17th whole school participated in activities like throwing darts at pink balloons and there was music playing, students who participated got hot dogs. In class we made posters about anti bullying.

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

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